Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are some good teenage newspaper articles? That are school appropriate.?

I am on the newspaper staff at my school and I can never think of anything good to write about that I would be proud of ( hense why I am an editor ). So I need some new ideas that don't involve usual boring teen stuff.What are some good teenage newspaper articles? That are school appropriate.?
you should write articles about sports.What are some good teenage newspaper articles? That are school appropriate.?
Unusual after school jobs, features on favorite teachers' hobbies, pet pics with teachers, a ';food critic'; for school lunches, a best %26amp; worst column (e.g. best place to skip out to lunch, worst place to hide when skipping study hall), features students doing public service work, locate retired teachers, ask then questions about when they taught and have a ';30 years ago'; column. Use the past to illustrate the changes in the present.
How about writing about teens and how they should not get pregnant?

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