Monday, December 28, 2009

Is appearance everything in a teenage boy's eyes?

I was just wondering if 15 year old boys only go for appearance.

I sorta have a crush on my best friend. But I weigh like 215 pounds and I'm pretty sure thats why he only thinks of me as his friend,

Is appearance really everything thing in a male teenagers eyes?Is appearance everything in a teenage boy's eyes?
my friends boyfriend doesn't he's seen her when she was still he her pj's and just woke up.

and when she had a sleepover and he came over the next day we all looked like we were hobo's after we woke up and he could've cared less.

but that could just be him.Is appearance everything in a teenage boy's eyes?
of course not... unfortunatly physical attraction is very important... or maybe your just not his type... maybe you could try wearing a little (hint little) mascara and lip gloss, and maybe some pretty clothes and see what happens... or maybe you should tell him... theres nothing more likely to get things moving between you's two than a little push.. dont be shy. if he's your best friend, he already loves something about you... and to start of with, just say its a small crush. good luck beautifyul!
Sorry but for most, yes... Wait till you get older and guys care less about looks and more about how well the girl holds a conversation.
If you are healthy and confident, and if he is worth anything at all, he will look past that.
I wish it wasn't but sadly it is. They aren't worth it if they can't look past your appearance yet!
Yes, Much like a teenage girl.
not all guys but wait till they mature a little
sadly so,sadly so my dear...

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