Monday, December 28, 2009

Does sex education help lower teenage pregnancy?

This is what I read in the daily express.

To argue that children need better sex education is a load of rubbish - most knew more than my generation did in the 1950's, when there were no advice clinics, no contraception, no morning pills and abortion was illegal but teenage pregnancy was virtually unheard of.

So do kids really need explicit sex education from age 5 or do they need morals?Does sex education help lower teenage pregnancy?
No, I was speaking to my teenage daughter about this recently, she said that it felt like she was being pressured into having sex, even the teachers are saying it's ok if you do this, use that, and if you don't it's ok anyway as you can then do this.....

It's like extra peer pressure from the very people trying to prevent it!!

We have always been open about sex and sexuality and discussed it whenever it has come up in a mature way with her.Does sex education help lower teenage pregnancy?
Wow. Teen pregnancy was unheard of? Yeah right buddy. More like it was unspoken of.

Teen pregnancy and teens having sex has actually been on a decline!

Sexual Education that includes information on contraceptives and birth control can definitely reduce teen pregnancies. The problem is that people throw out the morals card. If you think you can magically instill morals onto children far and wide be my damn guest but I'd rather go with methods that provide actual results.

The fact of the matter is that there will be teens who have sex regardless of what they were taught or what ideals were preached by their parents. At least if the teen knows about birth control and about the consequences of unprotected sex (and sex in general) they have all of the information necessary to make a thought-out decision.

Whether a teen's morals or conscious decide to kick in can't be controlled but information and explanation can be. It's knowledge that will empower the teenager to make a good decision (or at least a safe one).

If we would explain the functions of human bodies to children from a reasonably early age they can have enough time to learn and understand all of the benefits and consequences of sexual intercourse and develop positive ideas about it.
No. I'm finding more teens nowadays much more ignorant and naive when it comes to sex. So many believe sperm dries up the second it hit air, among a whole laundry list of other untruths.

I was a teen in the late 80's, earily 90's, and sex ed was just starting. When they taught it to us, I knew all of that stuff, because my parents taught me about sex.

Back in the 50's you had stay at home parents who didn't let their kids have a ton of freedom, and you also had parents that weren't afraid to spank their kids. The best prevention of teen pregnancies is parental supervision. Chaperone dates. Kids aren't going to have sex with parents watching them.

When I had to take sex ed in health class, they taught that the only way to 100% prevent pregnancy was no sex. They taught that birth control wasn't a sure thing. They taught that abortion had other consequences. They taught that all the stupid myths were just that...stupid. Like sperm drying up right when it hits air. Or that you can't get pregnant on your period, etc.
The media screams sex constantly from tv shows, movies and music videos. These things weren't around in the 1950's (at least the tv shows and movies didn't have as much sex in them). Since these things do exist, we do need sex education. I wouldn't say as young as 5, that's pretty young. Kids as young as 12 are having sex today, so I think that we need to start the education around 10 or 11 years old.
Teen pregnancy may have been virtually unheard of, but it was certainly not non-existence. Abortion was illegal but there were backstreet abortion clinics and girls sticking coat-hangers inside themselves to force a miscarriage.

If teenagers want to have sex, they will have sex - it doesn't matter what their teachers say. All we can do is make sure they know how to protect themselves from STIs and pregnancy.

I think we DO need better sex and relationship education, but from a much younger age. That way, when they are teenagers, they will have a more mature attitude to sex.
very good question my friend. i think they need morals and lots of them. I find it a bit disturbing that if 5 year olds are getting sex education. A child should be a child.

I think if anything is your going to be sexually active read up first and use the proper protection. It actually annoys me in some schools the sex education that is given now. I remember years back when i got my sex education from school it was badly done and left me with more questions than answers.

I know i have learned my sex education the right and proper way by reading cosmo. i swear by it.
I think sex education does lower teenage pregnancy if done right. Look at the Netherlands, they teach sex education from the age of 5 and do so in the context of liberal society, yet they have the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.

The problem in the UK is that we teach sex education in a biological way without enough emphasis on building loving relationships.

The Daily Hate is talking scaremongering nonsense as usual!
i think sex ed should be given at a suitable age, and the advice centres should be open to them, but i also think theres a place for them to teach about morals, self respect and all the dangers/consequences, emotional issues that come with sex, not just the basic bits, i dont remember being taught very much, n what i was certainly didnt cover anywhere near the basics even the girls to women chat was nto adequate as it was never taken serously and done in big groups by a teacher that was so embarassed you could even hear what she said and im only 23 so i def think somethin needs to be done. more information and moral issues addressed.
teenagers need to feel loved and secure - in my opinion not all teenage pregnancys are wrong.

I think it is wrong when it comes from a one night stand or if the girl is just having sex to look good and its all about peer pressure.

Children need to be bought up with more responisblities and they need to feel secure and know that they can say No. Teenagers get to the age where they will do anything for attention and to be liked. Including unprotected sex.
Hi there.

They do need sex education, but it should be tied into respect for self and morality, NOT a ';how to do it'; manual.

The big difference now from the 1950's is, having kids young makes you extra money and lets you off school and work, not to mention free accommodation, furniture etc. They don't even come to see if you are doing a good job any more!

Far from penalising these people or leaving them to stew, we reward them. That is the real reason for the high levels.

Cheers, Steve.
As someone stated before...It is the way sex ed is being taught that is the problem. I was first taught at about the age of 11/12, though boys and girls were taught separately in that class which I found highly ridiculous.

It is all based on the biological terms of how sex happens, not the responsibility of having a child.

And of course, good parenting is needed.
Its not sex education that's the problem, its the society. Every where you look there is sex. Sex education is there to try and teach the kids to be sensible if there ways and not do anything stupid, but its fighting a loosing battle. The 1950's sex wasn't advertised everywhere like it is now.
Self-respect and an end to this bullcrap notion of adolescence. Samuel Colt invented the revolver when he was 16. Louis Braille invented his writing system when he was 15. George Washington was an accomplished surveyor by the time he was 16. This idea that you need to wait until you're in your 20s to *start* doing anything is stupid. Childhood doesn't last two decades.

16-year olds, if treated and trained properly, aren't all mindless, hedonistic, shortsighted idiots. This whole 'if it feels good, do it' culture is what's messing us up. Not getting in bed with your 10th grade boyfriend, even though you want to, is not going to mess you up. My parents didn't get me a Game Boy Color despite all my begging, but I'm fine.

Wanting something doesn't mean you should have it.
Of Course It Doesn't!

Its All The Cute Baby Adverts On T.V, All The Celebs Making Out Having A Baby Is Easy.

Some Teenagers Have The Burning Desire To Become Mothers And Fathers, And Then When They Do Become Parents They Blame Lack Of Sex Education Or There Not Being Enough 'Free' Contraception Out There Because They Just Do Not Want To Admit To Everyone They Got Pregnant On Purpose, They Would Be Shamed Upon If They Did. Sex Education Cannot Stop The Most Powerful Instinct In Life, The Maternal Instinct, Which Is What Most Teenage Girls Have.

And It Was Common In The Fifties, My Nan Got Pregnant At 17 And So Did Her Friends! But It Was More Accepted In Those Days Because You Were Expected To Get Married Young Ect....

=] X
I think children need more and better guidance from their parents. So many of the kids who find themselves in dire straits have parents who do not give a toss and certainly do not set a good example.
Nope, they just end up sleeping and/or goofing around in class anyway, and end up on here asking ''I gave him a ********, am i pregnant?''.

Kids need morals.

But in this day and age when generally morals are more lax, kids need sex education before they do things that they don't understand.
Nope, it's saying

';We're telling you this because we think it's A OK if you have sex as long as you use extremely unreliable and homicidal methods of doing it!';

I had it and I am a father of 4 with 3 different moms. I am 17 so F***K sex Ed
No. My sex education never promoted or dissaproved teenage pregnancy. I think the teens that get pregnant have no control !
If more explicit sex education is needed, well, it should be given!
No I think it encourages it actually.
I don't think that sex education is the answer.

Parents need to teach there children morals at home and self respect!
It's supposed to... but I don't think it's really working!

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