Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does anyone know of any upcoming pageants for teenage girls?

I'm wanting to be in a pageant but i'm not sure where to look for an upcoming one like last year i heard about one called ';Miss.Citrus Heights'; and i wanted to join but i was too late. so if anyone knows of any upcoming pageants please let me know.Does anyone know of any upcoming pageants for teenage girls?
Hey beautiful :)

Sooo you are interested in the world of pageantry? Well it's fun, but it's work, NO LIE.

First thing i need to say is that if you dont take rejection well then pageants are NOT for you. I did pageants for about 5 years before i finally won. Now, some people go in their first time and ace it, good for them, but it's not normal. It usually takes a little experience before you are ';good'; enough to win. Also, pageants are EXPENSIVE.

There are ALOT of pageants out there. I've never done the small town competitions, so i'm not as experienced with that, But i've done 2 of the larger names. If you want to learn about pageantry (and all the different competitions), you should check out Pageantry Magazine (www.pageantrymagazine.com).

Now, what are the two most famous pageants? Obviously ';Miss America'; %26amp; ';Miss USA';. Beneath these are several large but a little less prestigious competitions including ';National American Miss'; (www.namiss.com) and ';American Coed'; (both of which i have participated in). I personally prefer National American Miss.

These are great pageants to test yourself with. They will send you a series of magazines and training books after you are accepted and help you every step of the way if you have any questions or problems. One very positive aspect is that THERE IS NO SWIMSUIT COMPETITION.

Your fellow contestants are generally very friendly and supportive; even if you dont walk away with the tiara, you'll definitely leave with great new friendships.

Just check online for contestant rules and application. www.namiss.com also has sample videos.

hope this helped!

xxDoes anyone know of any upcoming pageants for teenage girls?
um you can try http://pageantschedule.com/ and click on month view.
Depends where you're from.

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