Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can teenage daughter make up with mother after argument?

my mother and i just had a big fight and i feel horrible about it. let's just say that i was arrogant, over-critical and very judgemental. my mother was very hurt, and i woke up this morning to see she had left the house for some alone-time(she told my brother this), saying she'd be back in the evening. she has never ever done this before.

i feel like a horrible daughter..

how can i show her i am truly sorry and make things better?How can teenage daughter make up with mother after argument?
Appologize and tell her you love her and tell her exactly what you just wrote to us. Maybe even show her. A mothers love is unconditional and everybody makes mistakes and says things in the heat of anger. Just try to talk to her about how to handle the situation if it comes up again. When she gets home give her a big hug and let her know you realize you were out of hand.How can teenage daughter make up with mother after argument?
appologize and tell her what you just told us. you were caught up in the heat of the moments and were arrogant, over critical and judgemental.

she'll understand that kids make mistakes and forgive you.
Just tell her you are sorry if what you said hurt her feelings, BUT if it is true tell her what you said is still true from your point of view and it doesn't mean you do not love her.Then ask her to be honest with herself and ask herself if there is ANY truth to what you said.
Hi Hon, Write mom a letter telling her you are sorry and that you love her. really express how u feel about her. Place it somewhere mom will easily find it or have your brother deliver it. ask if she can meet you somewhere in the house and have her favorite drink waiting (water, soda, juice). It is okay we all have had argument with mom before......But remember never disrespect MOM..........You only get one!
make her like a cake or sumthing and write ur sorry on the top with icing..... sit down and pull out two forks and enjoy it with her =) talk to her and ask her about her day and tlak through ur problem =)


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