Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are things to do for 2 extremly bored teenage girls.? would like to hear interesting responses please!![=?

Okayy me and my friend jessica are like crazzy bored at homee. %26amp;%26amp; we cant leave the house %26amp;%26amp; we cant really think of anything to doo..

so got any ideas we are open to any suggestions..((:What are things to do for 2 extremly bored teenage girls.? would like to hear interesting responses please!![=?
- Wax the ceiling

- Rearrange political campaign signs

- Sharpen your teeth

- Play Houdini with one of your siblings

- Braid your dog's hair

- Clean and polish your belly button

- Water your dog...see if he grows

- Wash a tree

- Knight yourself

- Name your child Edsel

- Scare Stephen King

- Give your cat a mohawk

- Purr

- Mow your carpet

- Play Pat Boone records backwards

- Vacuum your lawn

- Sleep on a bed of nails

- DON'T toss and turn

- Boil ice cream

- Run around in squares

- Think of quadruple entendres

- Speak in acronyms

- Have your pillow X-rayed

- Drink straight shots...of water

- Calmly have a nervous breakdown

- Give your goldfish a perm

- Fly a brick

- Play tag...on West 35th Street

- Exorcise a ghost

- Exercise a ghost

- Be blue

- Be red

- But don't be orange

- Plant a shoe

- Sweat

- Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil

- Turn

- Write a letter to Plato

- Mail it

- Take your sofa for a walk

- Start

- Stop

- Dial 911 and breathe heavily

- Go to a funeral...tell jokes

- Play the piano...with mittens on

- Scheme

- Sit

- Stay

- Water your family room

- Cause a power failure

- Roll over

- Play dead

- Find a witch

- Burn her

- Donate your brother's body to science

- Ask why

- Wriggle

- Regress

- Sleepwalk without sleeping

- Try to join Hell's Angels by mail

- Wonder

- Be a square root

- Ask stupid questions

- Weld your car doors shut

- Spew

- Vacation at Three-Mile Island

- Surf Ohio

- Teach your pet rock to play dead

- Go bowling for small game

- Be a monk...for a day

- Wear a sweatband to your wedding

- Staple

- Run away

- Intimidate a piece of chalk

- Abuse the plumbing

- Bend a florescent light

- Bend a brick

- Annoy total strangers

- Let the best man win

- Believe in Santa Claus

- Throw marshmallows against the wall

- Hold an ice cube as long as possible

- Adopt strange mannerisms

- Blow up a balloon until it pops

- Sing soft and sweet and clear

- Sing loud and sour and gravely

- Open everything

- Balance a pencil on your nose

- Pour milk in your shoes

- Write graffiti under the rug

- Embarrass yourself

- Grind your teeth

- Chew ice

- Count your belly button

- Sit in a row

- Stack crumbs

- Gesture

- Save your toenail clippings

- Make a pass at your blender

- Punt

- Make up words that start with X

- Make oatmeal in the bathtub

- Search for the Lost Chord

- Chew on a sofa cushion

- Sing a duet

- Balance a pillow on your head

- Hold your breath

- Faint

- Stretch

- Flash your mailman

- Teach your TA English

- Learn to speak Farsi

- Swear in Russian

- Use an eraser until it goes away

- Disassemble your car

- Put it together inside out

- Record your walls

- Interview your feet

- Make a list of your favorite fungi

- Sell formaldehyde

- Repeat

- Ad lib

- Fade

- File your teeth - Whine

- Rake your carpet

- Re-elect Richard Nixon

- Critique ';Three's Company';

- Listen to a painting

- Play with matches

- Buff your cat

- Race ferrets

- Paint your house...Day-Glow Orange

- Have a formal dinner at White Castle

- Read Homer in the original Greek

- Learn Greek

- Change your mind

- Change it back

- Watch the sun...see if it moves

- Build a pyramid

- Stand on your head

- Stand on someone else's head

- Spit shine your Nikes

- See how long you can stay awake

- See how long you can sleep

- Paint your teeth

- Wear a salad

- Speak with a forked tongue

- Paint stripes on a lake

- Ski Kansas

- Sleep in freefall

- Kill a Joule

- Test thin ice...with a pogo stick

- Apply for a unicorn hunting license

- Do a good job

- Crawl

- Invite the Mansons over for dinner

- Paint your windows

- Watch a watch until it stops

- Flash your goldfish

- Paint

- Flirt with an evergreen

- Smile

- Rotate your garden...daily

- Paint a smile

- Shoot a fire hydrant

- Apologize to it

- Pretend you're blind

- Annoy yourself

- Get mad at yourself

- Stop speaking to yourself

- Be a side effect

- Ride a bicycle...up Mt. McKinley

- Duck

- Redecorate...your garage

- Develop a complex

- Join the Army...be someone simple

- Try harder

- Hit the deck

- Put leg-warmers on your furniture

- Cut the deck

- Crumple

- Translate Shakespeare into English

- Skydive to church

- Cheer up a potato

- Do aerobic exercises...in your head

- Play cards with your swimming pool

- Pinstripe your driveway

- Play Kick the Fire Hydrant

- Harness chipmunk power

- Build a house with ice cubes

- Call London for a cab

- Mug a stop sign

- Change your name...daily

- Go for a walk in your attic

- Challenge your neighbor to a duel

- Build a house out of toothpicks

- Howl

- Wear a lampshade on your head

- Memorize the dictionary

- Stomp grapes in the bathtub

- Find a bug and chase it

- Make yourself a pair of wings


474 Things To Do When You're BoredWhat are things to do for 2 extremly bored teenage girls.? would like to hear interesting responses please!![=?
Pop in some music and dance. Come up with a routine to do at the next dance you attend.

Experiment with your makeup. If you have Halloween makeup do each other's faces.

Make up a song about your boredom.

Google the fan club address to your favorite actor and write them.

Get some magazines and pics and make a collage for each other.

Go thru your closet and bag up anything you no longer use to give to charity.

Invent a secret code or language just the two of you will know.
Practice the dances in the music videos.

Practice the words to music video songs.

Buy a two bags of jax. It sounds like a young game but once you start playing you might get hooked.

Read Madame Butterfly, Handful of Rice(Pearl S Buck), books to each other.

Watch Gossip girl

Go to ';Polyvore'; and match up outfits you like.

Design rooms: cut out stuff from old magazines, paste, on construction or note book paper.

Go on line find out how to make fondant, then go in to the kitchen and see if you can make 1. a wedding cake, or 2. an occasion cake like, ';Ace of Cakes'; or Margaret Braun, or Cake Girls,or Cake Boss. Have family members pick a subject for the occasion cake.

Play toilet paper bride, who can design the most attractive dress, have other family members vote.

Rent ';Monoke'; and ';Spirit'; both by Studio Ghibli (not the movie ';The Spirit'; with the guy in it either)i.

Design what you would put on t-shirts.

Make a calendar, include relatives b'days, National holidays, and cut out of construction paper a representation of that months holiday ex: January place cut out triangular party hat and martini glass in the right hand corner of that month, Feb: cut out hearts, attach a piece of string so they move, same for the party hat .

Sorry that's all I can think of.
1. bake some cupcakes

2. Watch Paul Blart Mall Cop

3. Write some music together

4. Play Scrabble

5. Make a collage with old magazines

6. teach the dog a trick

7. addicting games.com

8. dingdong ditch

9. Teach yourself to play an instrument




5)Prank call


7)eating out

Go to a thrift shop! You can either find clothes to wear, games to play or books to read w/o spending a lot. Maybe they can even find a costume for Halloween or an unexpected treasure. Good luck!
TAROt cards? hahhaa. um online tarot cards. omg thats fun..tv watch chelsea lately. love her. so funny

makeovers, at home spa treatments. or face packs you know the kind you make yourself from scratch?
Wow, awesome answers! :-]
there are many things that you could do... a lot of it depends on how old you are...
watch ';kids in a sandbox';
  • sheer makeup
  • eye tips
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