Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can a teenage girl lose weight and a few inches off her waist before May 20, 2006?

Asking for a friendHow can a teenage girl lose weight and a few inches off her waist before May 20, 2006?
The only safe way to do that is cut carbs completely for two weeks (and only two weeks, after that switch to whole grain) and watch fat intake. Exercise for 20 min in the morning before school (something cardiovascular like running or jumping rope) and for 20 min after school (pilates is great for after school, or just really good stretching for 10 min) Definitely do sit ups or crunches to tone muscle. unfortunately there is no way to lose weight in one particular area by just working out that area, so make sure you work out the entire body. DO NOT starve yourself or develop any other eating disorder. It WILL NOT help you lose weight without making you VERY sick. (I speak from personal experience)

I know this sounds cliche, but a good self image really does wonders for the figure. Tell your friend to look at herself everday in the mirror and say ';I am a beautiful woman who deserves great things. I am determined to make my life wonderful.'; I do this everday. It really motivates me to do what needs to be done. I have lost 50lbs in the last few months using this method, and I really feel great about myself, too. Your friend may not be as ';fat'; as she sees herself. Be good to her and help her realize that all women deserve great things.How can a teenage girl lose weight and a few inches off her waist before May 20, 2006?
Go on a chicken broth diet.
eat lots of veggies and fruits and less bread!
drink mega water
Hi, I got best answer for this before (the first bit) so someone thought it was worthwhile information and I think I'll continue to use it until people start being sensible about their body image and stop bowing to what they think they should look like.

There is no such thing as a safe quick weight loss. Diets and diet pills don't work they just act on the pituitary gland and make the body lose water (hence weight). It's good to exercise as anything which raises your pulse and makes you sweat is good. It may also be that you're not having enough calories as the body goes into ';famine'; mode if it doesn't get enough norishment and stores anything it does get as fat, rather than glucose. Every cell in your body respires and this uses energy, ie, food. Without enough energy, your metabolism slows and food is stored as fat. Incidentally, who says you need to lose weight and do you really need to lose the weight? The only thing guaranteed to get a body healthy (note I don't say ';lose weight';) is to exercise and eat a healthy, balanced, wide variety of foods plus the occasional treat in moderation (this stops any food becoming ';naughty'; and therefore craved). Please note that body muscle mass weighs four times more than body fat because the fibres are so much closer together. Some fat is important on the body though as it helps regulate hormonal levels in the body and prevents osteoporosis and other bone wasting diseases in later life. Some fat is important on women as too little can cause periods to stop and fertility problems. Women are designed differently to men and a totally flat stomach and no hips isn't healthy on a woman. The question to ask yourself is - do your clothes fit better and how do you look in a mirror - not how much do you weigh. If you think you look untoned, then incorporate some light weights (low weight, high repetitions) into your regime.

Additionally, I have friends who have taken up Pilates and although they never lost weight, their clothes looked fantastic on them, their posture improved and their entire bodies firmed up. I watched this happen. Pilates strengthens your core muscles (the ones that hold your skeleton in place) so correcting posture imbalances and making a slimmer shape. I believe that yoga also does this although I don't know anyone who has done this. Additionally, try dance (old style ballroom / salsa) as this is a fun way to tone up. Any excercise / activity that raises your heart rate and makes you sweat BUT IS FUN will ensure you stick to it and get fitter.

Additionally, drink lots of water. Lots of people eat when they are in fact thirsty. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first and if you're still hungry half an hour later, then eat. Eat sensibly and regularly and don't forget to eat breakfast (so named because it ';breaks'; the night's ';fast';). Missing breakfast starts the day off badly as your body will just crave and store anything you eat later as fat.

Hope this helps.

Additional notes: A teenager hasn't even started to become the woman she will be and please, please please don't let her start on the diet treadmill as it will mess up her body's metabolism. Her body is changing and developing and now is not a good time to put it under any additional stress by dieting. She needs fat on her body to ensure it develops properly and doesn't have bone thinning or fertility problems later in life. I suggest you go to http://www.dove.co.uk/uk_en/ and check out their campaign for real beauty feature - every girl deserves to be made to feel beautiful without conforming to an impossible to achieve image created by the media.

Be Healthy and Happy.
Yes, by eating the correct way Eg: lots of fruit %26amp; veg, keep away from things like bread, potatoes, chocolate and crisps for a few days and drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated also to give your complexion a boost!
Lipo Suction
Dance a lot
Try the hollywood diet. It's only for three days - guarantees to take off 10 pounds for the weekend.
Walk 20 minutes a day. No soda or bread, only water. Lots of water, it makes you feel full.

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