Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are any teens asexuals? And do you have teenage friends who are asexuals?

One of my brothers is an asexual (he doesn't like girls OR guys) so I was curious.

Definition: individuals who do not experience sexual attraction,experience little or no sexual attraction,or do not have interest in or desire for sexAre any teens asexuals? And do you have teenage friends who are asexuals?
Maybe he wants to be a priestAre any teens asexuals? And do you have teenage friends who are asexuals?
one of my male friends is.. he is 26 years old and has no desires in men or women. i have known him for eight years and have heard nothing about any sort of attraction or emotion towards either side. i know when he was a child he was molested and obviously this has affected him.
I don't know any asexuals but I heard many interesting articles about it.

Helena, there are two different definitions for asexual. One is for humans and one is for plants and other organisms. It's like the word gum. There are two meanings.
I'm asexual. However,when it comes to romance I am closer to pansexual.

I don't see anything wrong with being asexual either. Sexual stuff are over rated anyway ;)
Not being interested in sex at a young age doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. Could just mean your priorities are different than most others. As far as the percentage,probably not very big.
asexual also means that an organism can reporduce wihtout a second partner.

humans can't do that.

so no, can't say i have.
I'm not sure yet, but im pretty sure im asexual. I haven't told anyone though, and none of my friends are, kinda lonely.
I'm not asexual. But I feel no need for sex, love, boyfriends, anything. But I still think A LOT of guys are cuties(:
There was a girl on YA today that was asexual, but I don't know her name.

Good Luck! :)
I'm pretty sure that my friend is...she has never had a crush and doesn't think anyone is even GOOD-LOOKING....so weird
Humans can not be asexual physically or mentally. They are given sex hormones during puberty, which cause sexual drive for the rest of their lives, although it decreases after menopause in females. Some people may not like to express their sexuallity, no human is asexual though, i guarntee you that. Some may be too depressed or busy with other things to be thinking about sex.

And most of all teenagers are driven and fueled with estrogen for females and testosteron for males, why could a teenager be asexual?
Um I would hope not...that would be weird but I have this friend who doesnt like to talk about boys which i find weird but i think she doesnt want people to start talking about who she likes and stuff! Let me tell you though IM NOT!!!
actually, asexual means being able to produce exact copies without an organism to have intercoarse with another organism. Ask your brother if he has balls. Then you find out.
everyone has lust, wether they say or not, its in our nature, especialy guys, he just supresses it well
your friend is proablly chinese like you ! jk there just confused

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