Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Im a teenage crossdresser wats the stlye of cloths worn by girls today?

should i get fake nails? legging? heels or ballet flats?Im a teenage crossdresser wats the stlye of cloths worn by girls today?
Dude, go emo, get black sidebangs, tight black shirts and straight jeans.. daaaaayyuuum. =DIm a teenage crossdresser wats the stlye of cloths worn by girls today?
don't listen to what the others are saying. You should be happy in your decisions.

Go with some skinny jeans, flats, tunics, hoodies, Vans slip-ons, more skinny jeans, etc.

Check out Forever 21, Hollister, Hot Topic, Charlotte Russe, and stores like that. They have cute clothes and still afordable.

look around on MySpace at diff girls profiles.

If you can, order things online if your embaressed about going in public for the first time looking for clothes. Just measure yourself with a measuring tape and estimate your sizing on the size charts on the stores website.

Good luck finding things! :]
hunny. please just dress like your own gender.

and if you really want to know what girls look like, go to the mall!!

look around.

omgosh. they're everywhere!!

the earth is practically crawling in them!! *slightly disgusted freaking out voice*
Skanky lol.
skinny jeans,fake nails:the french kind,leggings under like short skirts.go to 579 in westseale at sawgrass or broward mall and maybe some heels and some ballet shoes and some nice accessories with a flat wrap go get your hair straighten
omg i LOVE cross dressers. ok get like fake French nails. leggings are hott wear animal print ones. heels and ballet flats are both hot but if you wear leggings wear flats. jean minis are in.
i guest all
Go to the street corner and watch the fashion show happen.

Take good notes too!
okay, um i ould just wear jeans and a screen tee with plain nails and um, converse/vans/ballet flats. i'm a girl but i dress the way i want, sometimes on go the vans, hat, messy polo and saggy jeans; other times a tihgt, printed ';look at me'; dress. it just depends.
Ahh, that is wonderful to hear.

i know some fellow cross-dressers.

but as i look around my malls, its usually cropped hair, converse, and tight jeans.

if your not into that stuff, than i dont know.

i guess a skinny man could really fit into some girls Jeans.

go to hot-topic, i know they have clothes in there for either gender..

hopefully i helped.

: ]

stay strong.
Metallics are definitely coming around, I can tell, even though they've been nudging their way up for the past like year or so.

Here are some predicted trends, because a trend you can never be sure of until it comes, and when it does, it seems like almost instantly it's out of fashion, at least in my opinion:

-bright, bold colours,

-the ';flapper'; look (more straight lines that de-emphisize the body's shape)

-animal prints

-the navy look

-more dressy stuff

I would say that the whole flats and headbands and skinny pants and huge bag trends are nearing an end. But I wonder if those babydoll shirts are still ';in;'; maybe, I think so. It's I'd say 4/10 of the way through.

Anyway, hope that helps. I think what's more important than following trends is making sure you look good, so I'd advice you to not sacrifice appearance for the sake of a trend.

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