Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to get Hanna Montana's look for teenage girls?

It cant be from limited too, target, or wall mart!!!!!!!!How to get Hanna Montana's look for teenage girls?
Just look at various places and you'll find something.How to get Hanna Montana's look for teenage girls?
Why would you want to look like her?
it can be from there u just have to look everywhere
American Eagle!!!

It has tons of stuff similiar to her style! It may be a bit more expensive, but its only a local mall away!

~ Elle
well if u want hannah montana then die ur hair blond and get brown highlights.. get layers... stay slim

miley stewert-- well then just die ur hair light brown also stay slim..and def. wavy hair not curly just a little wavy
hahah woow. go to claire's/icing for all the accessories. thats all i know sorry
Go shopping at wet seal or maybe try Hollister or something. Keep your options open. There is also some tops that remind me of her style @ Kohl's (cheap %26amp; cute)
umm... mervins... omg i was babysitting a the girl was watching the show and i was wearing the ssame pants as her. i was like ick! cuz i dont like hannah montana :P
Gap? Old Navy?
whenever i get inspiration from somebody on tv or whatever, i just look in my closet and think about the closest things in resemblance that i could wear to match that person's outfit.......
drain your bank accounts and use the money to buy cloths and other accessories from various stores.
you can go on disneychannel.com and go to the show hannah montana, and it tells you how to get her look...

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