Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Good way for teenage boy to lose weight?

I'm 13 and a little overweight, I was wondering if anybody knew a good way to lose 20ish pounds kind of easily?Good way for teenage boy to lose weight?
Do you have a blender? Ask your family to buy a bunch of bananas, frozen and fresh fruit and some green stuff like spring mix, baby spinach, or romain lettuce.

Then try putting in water, banana, and green stuff torn into small pieces like romain or baby spinach and any other fruit you like. It makes a sweet green smoothie, looks gross, but you keep adding fruit until it tastes great. Make a blenderful a day. You could replace a snack or meal with it, or have a cup with each meal. Anyway, it reduces hunger and food cravings. It is easy and yummy. It has a lot of fiber. It is good for you and all those qualities usually combine to help you lose weight kind of easily.Good way for teenage boy to lose weight?
What ever you found yourself eating before cut out completely. This means cut down on carbs (bread, pasta ect) Completely cut out salts and sugar... Eat alot of tuna and lemon juice. Drink water and green tea. It works I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks from that and treadmill use.
easy is not the way to go my friend

you will feel even better about your new body if you work for it

try cutting down on the carbs and concentrate on veggies

exersize a LOT

good lluck

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