Thursday, April 29, 2010

Healthcare reformers: are you either teenage or in college?

Okay, hands up, how many of you who cry about America's healthcare system are either in high school or college? 90% of the ';capitalism is evil'; crowd that I've ever talked to are in this group.Healthcare reformers: are you either teenage or in college?
It's a product of the liberal public school attempting to brainwash our kids into thinking socialism is the answer. If you poll private school kids, the stat shows just the opposite. More the reason to abolish public schools in favor of private.Healthcare reformers: are you either teenage or in college?
Cry about what the need for the program or against it?

BTW Oliver, I am not a blind Obama follower, nor am I uneducated as you state, I also have 2 degrees, mind you one that would make you think I am a left wing thinking, but thankfully I attended a school that allowed me to think for my self. I do not agree with the government's attempt to take over the health care system, first because the nation cannot afford this, and second there are many other options that would work better for everyone. I believe in capitalism and that it can work until the immoral idiots take over the helm of any company.
I am very much in favor of health reform and would actually prefer a single payer model. I am 42. I do not think capitalism is evil. I do, however, question the intelligence of having a for-profit health insurance model.
The generations corrupted by Marxist/Leninist doctrine are now the generations teaching in our schools and colleges, running for office in our Governments protesting, and supporting political correctness

It's a mix of both teens and adults.

Retired in Alabama, and not quite old enough to go on US Socialized Health care.

It is called Medicare.

Why don't phony conservatives demonize Medicare?

It is completely Government run.

Seems cowardly and hypocritical.
Retired Navy. Current federal contractor. Glad it's being whittled down. Things need to change but without so much govt. involvement.
That is nonsense. Most of the juvenile questions and comments come from the conservatives. I'm not sure whether they are actually old enough to vote but the maturity level is quite low.
The last time I attended a college as a student was probably more years ago than you've been alive.
I agree, I am not seeing many 20 or 30 somethings protesting at the town hall meetings.
I think if your to lazy to work and u get sick you should just stay home and die
Get a grip pedocon....are you one of those medicaid geezers that is AGAINST govt run healthcare programs?
you give them too high an eduction standard. try middle or high school on here.
Yes, in the basement until their 35.

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