Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is carob a good chocolate alternative when you have teenage acne?

Well, while acne can be caused by food allergies, chocolate has been given a bad rap over the years as the cause of pimples. I thought the same thing in my teens, turns out Orange Juice was causing mine. I still can't drink it to this day without having a breakout. It all varies from person to person with our own unique body chemistry. Try slowly eliminating one thing at a time from your diet and keeping track of the results. If your acne persists after cutting something out, it's not that item and you can return that to your diet. Milk is also a large contributor to many peoples skin conditions, that might even be why chocolate gets called out for it. And remember, it's not always food related either. Stress, hormones, and many other factors could be the cause. Good luck, it feels great when you finally beat this problem.Is carob a good chocolate alternative when you have teenage acne?
If you have acne you will have it regardless of if you eat chocolate.Is carob a good chocolate alternative when you have teenage acne?
Just eat the chocolate. Worth it.

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